5 Apartment Design Trends in 2024

April 26th, 2024

5 Apartment Design Trends in 2024

One of the ways PaySmart makes short-term relocation hassle-free is by keeping up with what’s happening in multi-family and apartment living so you don’t have to. There’s already plenty to think about without stressing about the possibility of spending six months in a hermit’s hovel or, worse yet, stifled by an outdated aesthetic. Green shag carpet, anyone?

Check out five trends we’re on top of this year.

Health & wellness

Nothing increased the incorporation of health and wellness amenities into multi-family housing design more than the COVID-19 pandemic. Physical and mental wellness outlets became absolute necessities. Leading the fitness charge was the Pickler — the paddle-wielding enthusiast who loves a good game of pickleball. This sport saw a 40% popularity spike between 2019 and 2021 and has since become a high-value amenity for almost any property type across a variety of ages and demographics. With no sign of diminishing interest, developers now include pickleball courts as a must-have feature along with fitness centers, rooftop gardens and meditation rooms.


Building elements such as green roofs, solar panels and rainwater recycling systems are part of a continuing emphasis on sustainable living and design. In addition to curb appeal, environmentally friendly landscaping along with drought-resistant plants make developments more cost-effective, easier to maintain and ecologically responsible.

Community-centric amenities

As a complement to functionally designed common areas, co-working spaces and other gathering spots, developers are building a sense of place by leveraging more of what’s around them and investing it back into their communities. Participating in and promoting community and cultural celebrations, supporting local artists, sponsoring workshops and working out collaborative arrangements with local businesses and vendors are becoming part of the multi-family landscape.

Smart technology

Safety, efficiency and convenience have increased the use of smart technology and interconnective living. To keep pace with demand and provide meet residents’ expectations, apartment communities are installing smart thermostats, security monitoring, voice-activated technology and connected solutions to stay ahead of the competition.

Flexible living spaces

The reality of a remote work force dictates how designers include flexibility among their notions of form and function. Square footage that easily transitions to meet a variety of needs continue to be in high demand. Well-designed spaces become a defined office, yoga room, entertainment area, living room and everything in between to accommodate each person’s needs.

Being on top of the latest apartment design trends is only part of how we can help. With PaySmart, short-term relocations don’t have to be difficult. We make everything about securing housing for your short-term assignments our business while keeping it simple. We’ve been providing personalized, white-glove, short-term relocation services to individuals and corporations since 1998. One phone call is all it takes to get the ball moving and get the job done.

Ready to make your move effortless? Contact us today and we’ll show you how easy it can be.

Save Time – and Money – with PaySmart

November 8th, 2023

People have been quipping about time since, well, the beginning of time. Albert Einstein once said time is an illusion, and who’s going to argue with him? He has the math to back it up. But it’s also said that time is money, and if you’ve ever been tasked with securing short-term housing for you or your employees, you know exactly how much time and money can be spent getting everything done.

The clock is ticking

Think about the last time you had to find housing for a professional assignment. How long did it take you to research a new location, find an apartment, decide on furnishings and get utilities lined up and activated? On average, people spend four hours looking for an apartment, two hours setting up utilities, and another two hours getting them shut down when it’s time to leave. That’s a full eight-hour workday spent on just a portion of what needs to get done, and that’s just an average. In many cases a lot more time and revenue are lost getting people where they need to be.

Get Those Hours Back

With PaySmart, a single phone call to one of our relocation specialists is all it takes to arrange everything needed to find, secure and move in to the new place. Tell us what you want and need, and everything will be handled for you. We’ll put together a custom package that includes rent, utilities, housekeeping, insurance and anything else unique to you. We even take care of furnishings and schedule deliveries.

5-star service during your stay

You won’t be wasting time after you move in, either. With a single point of contact and our 24-hour hotline, PaySmart can help you solve any problem that comes up and streamline everything from paying bills with a single invoice to making changes during your stay. We even turn everything off when your assignment is over. And with years of experience and national buying power, we have relationships with vendors across the country that often result in discounts that we can pass on to you. It simply doesn’t get any easier to get a custom-made package that saves you time and money.

You don’t have to be an Einstein to know time and money are real and valuable. We’ve been saving people and companies time and money since 1988 with white-glove relocation services. Contact PaySmart today and let one of our relocation specialists show you how to save a lot of both.

How to Maximize Productivity When “On the Job” Equals “On Location”

September 15th, 2023

Your company sends staff members on remote assignments that last six months to a year. A hotel stay not only racks up a big bill, but it also costs your employee or long-time contractor in terms of focus and productivity. Sure, an endless supply of clean linens and towels has its advantages, but after a while, the transience of conventional lodging starts to feel like a home without a home.

Some companies consider newer forms of short-term lodging to take care of their employees in the field. But “camping out” in a spare bedroom or an apartment whose owner may check in at any time can mean a lack of privacy that’s not a good match for the types of work your people do while they’re in the field.

Maximize convenience, minimize cost

In short, you want to maximize your workers’ ability to focus on their work and minimize the cost of their lodging for on-assignment stays. The best solution to both of those problems? A fully furnished, ready-to-occupy apartment with all the comforts and privacy of home – and with one monthly invoice for everything from the space itself to rental furniture and utilities.

Find the right solution

You can source this type of turnkey lodging in many ways, but not all of them offer you and your workforce real convenience. When you choose the right partner, you gain even more than the benefits of optimized short-term lodging. Whether your staff member or contractor is an engineer in charge of a construction project, a caterer who oversees food services on a military outpost or even a broadcast team member assigned to election coverage, you want their temporary home base to be a no-hassle solution to all the problems of remote assignments.

Do the one step

For one thing, you want that turnkey solution to live up to its name. It’s not “turnkey” if the furniture’s not set up, the utilities aren’t all on yet or your staff member has to call you with questions about how to fill out a stack of paperwork. It’s not convenient if you have to track and pay a stack of invoices each month – or, worse yet, if utility bills show up in your worker’s mailbox. You want the ready-to-occupy convenience of a hotel with the comforts of a real home away from home – and that’s where you need the experts at PaySmart on your side.

Our short-term housing specialists make all the arrangements for a better place to stay – with one phone call to your PaySmart representative. Contact us today for a short-term lodging that’s an ideal solution for you and your workforce.

Your Partner for Corporate Short-term Housing

July 31st, 2023

The need to secure short-term housing for employees is increasing and, as a result, becoming a growing task for human resource departments. With demand outstripping supply in the national housing market and tighter scrutiny on short-term housing solutions like AirBNB, finding temporary housing for employees is getting tougher. Construction and military contracting enterprises, entertainment and production companies, traveling nurses, short-term staffing agencies and a host of other businesses need temporary housing and relocation services to support their employees for short-term assignments in the field.

 Partnering to support you and your people

Since 1998, PaySmart has been a trusted long-term partner for corporate short-term stays. Whether you are moving one employee or an entire department across the country, partnering with us saves you money and time. We’re experts in employee relocation so you don’t have to be.

A secret weapon for hiring

In today’s competitive job market, you need every tool at your disposal to land the best talent available. Signing on with a new company in a new city is exciting for new hires, but it can also be intimidating. Your incoming team members don’t know the area, and they need a place to live. Having an experienced partner to arrange short-term housing while employees focus on the onboarding process is a competitive advantage for your organization. With a single point of contact at PaySmart, your company can offer short-term housing and peace of mind to incoming employees during their transition. And that might be just what it takes to close the deal. What’s more, we take care of everything.

 Temporary relocation the PaySmart way

In a word, PaySmart simplifies corporate transfers, temporary relocations and short-term housing for busy HR departments without sacrificing choices that are important to employees. With one call a PaySmart specialist will arrange everything you need. Either you or your employee can choose the desired location, services and furnishings, and we take it from there. Plus, our long history and experience in temporary corporate relocations has allowed us to build relationships with properties and vendors in all 50 states that can save your company money.

With PaySmart, busy HR professionals can look after their people without the hassle of managing their moves. We’ll pay all the bills and send you a single invoice. When the assignment is over, we’ll close everything out.

Whether you’re onboarding new talent or temporarily relocating veteran specialists on assignment, PaySmart streamlines temporary housing for HR departments and makes life easier for everyone. Contact PaySmart today to find out how we can be your partner in short-term housing.

There’s No Place Like Home

May 26th, 2023

There’s No Place Like Home

How do you create the comforts of home when you’re on a temporary assignment? Sure, hotels have their advantages, including room service and fresh towels, but their price may exceed your budget after just a few days. Whether you’re a corporate trainer, a regional auditor or a construction project manager, you need a roof over your head that’s more than just a place to sleep. And if you’re in charge of finding temporary housing for frequent travelers or short-term employees, you want to offer your people a better, more cost-effective alternative to Motel Nowhere.

‘Can I get fries with that?’

Being on the road is disruptive enough, but night after night of takeout can leave you hungry for a better meal, and even a hotel with a fitness center makes it difficult to keep up with a healthy routine. And although hosted travel has become big business, camping out in someone else’s house can be just as expensive as regular on-the-road lodging, and it’s still more suited to a few days or weeks than months.

Home, sweeter home

That’s where temporary housing comes in. Instead of embarking on a quest for somewhere to stay, itemize the services you want and let a professional consultant put everything together for you. Now all you – or your staff member – need to do is show up and move in. Your turnkey destination is a fully furnished apartment with all utilities ready when you arrive, and a single invoice for everything. Best of all, you can save money that you’d otherwise have to spend on a less than outstanding alternative.

Now you can come home and fix yourself a real meal that doesn’t come in a bag. Put your feet up and get some work done without worrying about paying an arm and a leg for hotel Wi-Fi. Enjoy some real privacy in a place you can call your own, even if only for a short time. And if you’re the one in charge of providing that comfort, now you can offer your road warriors a better option than Room 403 – or is it 304?

Stay comfortably

Call a short-term housing specialist and see how easy it is to turn a temporary assignment into a comfortable home away from home. With one call, you can make all the arrangements for a better place to stay. It’s the ultimate in convenience for individuals and corporate travelers. Contact us today for a flexible, simple solution.

Bundle Up for Easy Moving

April 24th, 2023

Let’s face it. Getting everything lined up for your new temporary home can be a major hassle. Getting internet service, gas, utilities, cable and renter’s insurance in a new city takes a lot of time and can be outright frustrating.

Relax. Scratch off a major portion of your pre-move To-Do list. PaySmart’s Bundled Services package makes temporary relocation moving easy with a one-point resource to get everything you need and want for your new apartment. When you open your door for the first time, it’s all up and running.

Save time and money

We all know time is money. You can save a lot of both with PaySmart’s Bundled Services. We do all the legwork for you. Tell us where you need to be and what you want in your apartment. With services in all 50 states, we make your move smooth, worry-free and cost-effective no matter where you’re relocating.

Tell us what you need: cable and internet services, utilities and electric, renter’s insurance — even furniture – almost anything except moving expense, and we coordinate activation, installation and delivery. It’s done on arrival.

What’s more, with our national buying power, we have existing relationships with vendors throughout the country who often provide discounts that we pass on to you. You spend less time worrying about what has to be done, spend no time getting it done and save a little cash in the process. It doesn’t get any easier than that.

Easy payment

Bundling also saves time each month paying the bills. With PaySmart, you pay one monthly bill. No more setting up accounts. No more brainstorming new usernames and passwords (that you could forget over the excitement of your move). One payment to us, and we pay everyone else.

 High-Touch service

And our service doesn’t end when you move in. Since 1998, we’ve been committed to service excellence and treating our customers with the utmost care. In addition to flexibility and convenience, we provide you with a single point of contact for every need, including a 24-hour hotline to solve any problem that might arise.

The fact is, with PaySmart, relocating gets really simple, really fast. Whether you’re an individual moving to a new assignment, or a corporate relocation manager moving an entire department, PaySmart Bundled Services makes moving doable.

PaySmart’s Bundled Service package is available to individuals and corporations. To learn more about how PaySmart’s bundled services can help with your corporate or individual relocation needs, visit us today.